Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

The recently renewed five-star hotel has a long-standing commitment to sustainability. The hotel's team is constantly working to minimise its ecological footprint and integrate sustainability considerations into their daily activities.

Energy efficiency and building automation are key elements of this effort. These innovative solutions allow energy consumption to be reduced and environmental impact minimised, contributing to the sustainable operation of the hotel.

At the same time, smart hotel room solutions increase the comfort level of rooms, making the use of lighting more comfortable and easier. 

The building automation systems implemented by Elektro-Kamleithner Kft. contribute to the comfort of the guests of the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest, to the operational efficiency and cost-effective operation of the hotel.

Key functions of building automation solutions at the Kempinski Hotel


Switching lamps

Minden szállodai szobában lehetőség van a lámpák külön-külön történő kikapcsolására. Ha az egyik fél elalszik az ágyban, az ágy másik oldalán is lehetőség van a lámpák lekapcsolására egy gombnyomással.

All out function

All lights can be switched off at the same time at the touch of a button. This function was previously only available at the front door, via the hotel card receiver. Thanks to KNX lighting control, central switch-off at bedtime is also possible from the bedside push-buttons.

Do Not Disturb feature (DND: Do Not Disturb)

Guests can press a button to indicate when room service is not desired. A red light in front of the door indicates DND status, eliminating the need to hang a traditional "Do Not Disturb" card. The development also serves the convenience of guests by allowing this function to be activated from the push button next to the bed. The digitalisation of the Do Not Disturb function allows reception to record where cleaning has been missed, so that it can be done at a later date.

Clean up please! feature (MUR: Make Up Room)

A vendégek egy gombnyomással kérhetik a szoba takarítását. Az ajtó előtt zöld fény jelzi a takarítási igényt, és a rendszer automatikusan értesíti a recepciót.

Underfloor heating start-up

The underfloor heating can be started on demand for a maximum of 3 hours. This is not only for the comfort of the guests, but also provides a cost-effective solution for the hotel, as the heating is not in constant operation. If required, hotels can also schedule the heating in advance, but semi-automatic operation (on demand) gives the highest energy efficiency. 

Occupancy sensor

Thanks to the special virtual card holder logic, a fine balance can be achieved between the need for guest comfort and the financial interests of hotel management. Based on the data from the sensors, the system optimises the heating and cooling energy used in the rooms and even the energy used for lighting, further increasing energy efficiency.

More information about Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest:

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