KNX IP Secure, the world's first manufacturer-independent communication security standard

KNX IP Secure becomes the world's first manufacturer-independent communication security standard for building automation (EN ISO 22510)

KNX, the world's leading technical standard for smart homes and buildings, has reached another milestone. KNX IP Secure, the first manufacturer- and application-independent security solution for smart buildings, has been registered as an international standard. The new EN ISO 22510 standard was published at the end of November 2019 and specifically regulates open data communication via KNXnet/IP in building automation and building management. In view of the growing cyber threat to smart buildings and the associated increasing security requirements, the latest ISO standardisation confirms KNX's global leadership in building automation.

KNX: the top priority for maximum security

For more than a decade, the technical level of KNX has been the forerunner of global and regional standardisation of building automation. Safety has always been the most important aspect in KNX developments, to the extent that experts continue to consider the system extremely safe. "There is a continuous evolution in the smart networking of buildings and infrastructures, including trends such as sector interconnection, smart electricity grids, etc., but there is also a steady increase in the number of data-driven use cases in KNX projects, which rely on very sensitive data and require a particularly high level of security. This is precisely the starting point for KNX Secure, where we have extended our already very secure standard with additional security mechanisms to meet the highest IT security requirements," said Franz Kammerl, President of the KNX Association.

Double protection: effective prevention of attacks against smart buildings!

KNX Secure, created in 2015, is based on international security algorithms governed by the ISO 18033-3 standard and uses AES 128 CCM recognised encryption. KNX Secure basically consists of two mechanisms. KNX IP Secure protects IP communication between KNX devices. It extends the IP protocol so that all data transmitted is fully encrypted. In addition, KNX Data Secure effectively protects user data, including data exchanged between different terminals, against unauthorised access and manipulation by encryption and authentication. Both mechanisms can be combined and used in parallel to achieve maximum security in smart buildings.

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