Independent and secure living in old age

Life expectancy for people born today is almost 30 years longer than for our ancestors born 100 years ago. As the number of elderly people increases, the number of people in need of care is clearly growing, and most of them want to continue living in their own homes despite their poorer health. We can make this possible for them through Ambient Assisted Living technologies.

Although this technology is still in its infancy, it is under continuous development and is clearly an area where very rapid progress can be expected. One example is the "my.sens" product, an easy-to-install, user-friendly sensor system that logs unusual deviations from a person's daily routine and automatically alerts relatives or care services if necessary. Thanks to my.sens, you no longer have to worry about being left in your home without help for long periods of time in case of an emergency.

We have similar solutions to make life easier for people in need of care, their families and carers. In the future, we will expand the functionality and potential applications of these solutions and link them to existing smart building technologies such as smoke alarms. By also linking these systems to social media platforms, we can help keep older people in constant contact with relatives, friends, carers or relevant service providers.

Our aim is to eliminate the aversion associated with AAL solutions. To this end, the Hager Group will make AAL technologies a core element of the building automation system, which can be retrofitted into the house at any time according to individual needs. In the future, smart building technologies will be as much a part of independent living in old age as physical limitations are part of ageing. By increasingly tailoring our solutions to the needs of the elderly or those in need of care, we are giving people the opportunity to experience old age as a wonderful time of life - as it should be.


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