Smart solutions in condominiums - Design Workshop with Gabriella Dorogi 8/8

Nowadays, it is not only in detached houses, but also in condominiums, that there is a need for some kind of smart solution, and above a certain size, it is a must. A modern residential property should already incorporate the features that make it feel really comfortable and give it more than a traditional one.


While it's only natural for cars today to offer extra comfort features that were unimaginable 20 years ago, it's coming a little more slowly to houses. Today, more and more people are demanding these solutions, and in some modern condominiums, investors are already building these smart solutions into the buildings they want to sell. For those who built houses with intelligent controls 10-20 years ago and are used to this kind of comfort, it is quite natural. When they build a new house or holiday home, they will definitely ask for these features or the latest technologies.

In the case of apartment buildings, each apartment is unique, so special needs must be taken into account. For example, if one of the flats has a lot of wood panelling, special attention must be paid to humidity when regulating the ventilation system, as wood is prone to warping. Or if the bedroom is shared with the bathroom, an enthalpy sensor may be needed to monitor temperature and humidity and determine an ideal value, acting on wall cooling and ventilation.

There are also shared areas in apartment blocks, such as lifts, garages, wellness areas, to which all residents need access, but cannot see each other's systems. Here, the apartments can be managed separately by local operators, or they can use a smart device to see the common areas (lighting, heating) and the functions of their own apartment.

Sooner or later, hopefully sooner rather than later, the time will come when, as with cars, a certain level of smart solutions will be available in every home.


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