Smart Homes - Design Workshop with Gabriella Dorogi 8/5

Dorogi Gabriella

Over the past decades, the construction industry has developed so much, the different technologies that are built into houses, that above a certain size a building simply becomes unmanageable. It is therefore imperative to have some kind of intelligent control system that integrates engineering, lighting, shading or even the house mosaic. It is not possible to control so many spaces and so many functions in a conventional way, by connecting them separately.



Intelligent control refers to devices, appliances, systems that are connected to a common network and can be controlled remotely. It is important that from the first moment you build a house, you know how you will use it and what functions you need. We also need to think about what it will be used for in a few years' time, when the kids grow up or we move on to a different age. These functions need to be defined together by the designers and the owners and put together in one building. Just as the design runs through the house as a unity, the intelligent systems need to work in harmony with each other, as if they are being guided by an invisible conductor. Bedrooms and walk-in closets need different functions, taking into account which member of the family uses the room and how.

A garden needs quite different functions than a building. Watering the plants seems relatively simple, but it depends a lot on temperature, sunshine and different plants have different needs. It is therefore important that gardeners are involved in the design of a smart home.

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