SMART HOME CAFE - Open Day on Smart Homes - 3 July 2019

OKOSOTTHON CAFE - Nyílt nap az intelligens házakról - 2019. július 3.

On 3 July 2019, we held our first OKOSOTTHON CAFE open days, designed primarily for end-users, builders and renovators.

We have a long tradition of professional training: both for the manufacturers we represent and for KNX systems. Now, however, we would like to help the general public, potential customers, to familiarise themselves with today's world of smart homes, where almost everything is "smart" - whatever that means. We hope that after our Open Day, the picture will be a bit clearer and we will be able to help our guests to create smart houses and homes that really work optimally!

Our next Open Day at the Smart Home Cafe will take place on 30 July 2019, you can register here:

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