100 years of Berker, the sophisticated range of switches on the market since 1919

100 éves a berker

100 years of Berker

The sophisticated family of switches on the market since 1919

Since Berker's 100 years of existence, they have always kept the most important thing in mind, and that is customer satisfaction. This concept has been faithfully preserved, as Berker's 100 years of unbroken success attests. The range of switches dreamed up by the German company Berker has spread all over the world, as they have constantly improved their products with quality, precision design and innovation in mind. Berker is 100 years old, so since 1919 it has been supplying electrical equipment of the highest quality all over the world. Its products include classic switches, state-of-the-art design switches and all-round intelligent building management systems. Their products are manufactured to the highest standards, using quality materials, unique colours and special features. They guarantee perfection by subjecting each of their products to the strictest quality control.

Berker's 100-year history


Let's look at where this story started and what were its main stages? Who built this success story step by step and how?

01 08 1919 Hugo and Robert Berker brothers, Gebr. Berker, started the production of switches and sockets in a specialised factory on about 40 square metres of floor space.
Two years later, the demand for their products had increased so much that it became inevitable that production would have to be continued in a larger facility.
1928. The most fundamental principle of the Bauhaus school: "Form follows function." The Gerber brothers had this in mind and had already designed their switches in this spirit.
After only 10 years of existence, the brothers Robert and Hugo Berker opened their own new factory in Schalksmühle in 1929, which they continued to expand in the following years. 1939 The demand at the Schalksmühle site had increased to such an extent that additional staff were needed to meet the demand. A new production site was therefore set up in Ottfingen.
1959. Persistent increased production and capacity bottlenecks at the Ottfingen site lead to the establishment of a new branch in Friesenhagen.
1960 -1972. Production starts in Herne for Schalksmühle
1970- The INSTA Elektro GmbH group is founded, with Berker, Gira, Jung as shareholders. Production now covers the development and manufacture of all electronic products from dimmers, transformers, monitors to KNX building control systems.
1980. The central warehouse in Ottfingen is extended.
The expansion creates a larger central warehouse, with a connected delivery department now covering 2100 square metres. From here, 16 regional transport companies deliver products throughout Germany and customers from all over the world are constantly coming in.

They already work with more than 53 agencies at home and abroad.

1988 The central warehouse is extended by another 1000m² and the construction of a warehouse for automatic production begins
1990. When EIBA was founded in 1990, Berker, Siemens, Jung, Merten and Gira were the five founding members
1991 The production site in Schalksmühleben is also expanded by 3 additional areas totalling 2,120 sqm.
1994. 30% of the total production is moved to Ottfingen. An extension of 24 051 m² is created and the KNX training centre is built.
1995 Berker goes east: a subsidiary is founded in Poznan, Poland
2000 Company restructuring: introduction of modern management methods (TQM, employee support programmes), new brand positioning.
2005 International expansion. New subsidiaries established in Europe and Asia.
2007 Acquisition of Raumcomputer AG, technology leader in Internet building automation.
2010. becomes part of the Hager Group.
2012/2013. opens a training centre in Ottfingen. The training centre is expanded with a showroom and new seminar rooms.

2019.Berker Schalksmühle: The company's headquarters are here and developments are being made on site. Around 250 employees work here.

Berker Ottfingen: Itt találhatóak a termelési területek, a logisztikai központ, ahol gyári szemináriumokra és gyári látogatásokra van lehetőség.
Körülbelül 450 alkalmazottat foglalkoztatnak a helyszínen napjainkban. A Berker 100 éves sikersztori ezzel nem áll meg, folyamatosan azon dolgoznak, hogy az innovációval együtt haladva, a Berker kapcsolók és rendszerek segítségével, az egész világon, szebb és kényelmesebb otthonokat teremtsenek.

The Berker range of switches from the past and present...

For the complete range of Berker switches, please visit Berker.hu.

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